Mental Notes: May 2004

SYDNEY–Just completed the final The Bridge, Sydney Album Show, so the final entry and tracklists of the show’s page on follows. Sydneyfolk, listen this Sunday 7-10am when I do Weekend Overhang, the Sunday brekky show for one week only. Streaming MP3s of previous WOs here. lives! Soft-launched, awaiting hardening :P WABS–In Melbourne Thurs … Continue reading “Mental Notes: May 2004”

Underground Lovers – Ascending for Now

Having been on the receiving end of widespread dancefloor hugging and acclaim for each of their last few albums, Underground Lovers’ lead singer Vince Giarrusso tells ADAM CONNORS how they pulled out of the record company apparatus for their new album to keep their sound as pure as their swirling, sweeping sounds.

Murray-Darling report lays bare ‘the system is sick’, say the people it affects

The Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission has cited gross maladministration, negligence and unlawful actions by Commonwealth officials as just a handful of the failures in its multi-billion-dollar effort to save Australia’s largest river system.

Australian govt distances itself from ‘children overboard’

Australia’s Home Affairs Minister has continued to stress that this situation should not be politicised, wary of the political repercussions of this latest people trafficking incident. It all stems from several tragedies off Australia’s north coast in 2001, when the last large-scale arrival of asylum seekers occured – swinging whole elections.